As part of troubleshooting (advanced) we may request logging via Kenesto Event monitor.
This is enabled remotely and available as a right click in the system tray.
Once enabled this option will disappear. The Event monitor will appear in it's own window.
Buttons function as toggles,
OS events are related to file actions from the OS.
Cache events are related to the writing and reading from the cache.
Cloud events are related to the push and pull from the cloud, the "single source of truth".
Internal Events are about how the application is interacting with the OS.
Stops logging
Each of these options can be toggled independantly, but if logging on your own, please select all of the events, OS, Cache, Cloud and internal.
Normal process would be to setup the error you are attempting to recreate, then turn on logging, reproduce the error, turn off logging,
Once complete, save the file, using save under the file menu of the event monitor.
Zip and send to [email protected] or your contact.