Adding a Project Participant 

On the Project Bar, choose the "more" dropdown. 

Select "Manage Project Participants"

The window that opens, you can select users, similar to sharing a folder or file under the "my files" area. 

As discussed elsewhere, You can select if the owner is the project manager. 

User permissions are as follows:

Project Manager - This user if selected, can manage the project - Delete, hide, archive, add users, rename etc. 

None - Default setting. Allows user to see project, and folders but not files. 

View Only - User can see files in web viewer, but no other function.

Download - User can open the files in application, can download to local disk.

Update - User can make updates to existing files (save)

In addition to the above, options are as follows:

Create - User can save new files

Delete / Move - User can archive or move files to another folder. 

You can also set an automatic expiration date for the user - the user will lose access after the date specified

Removing a user from the project requires you to click on the "X" button on the far right of the line with their name.