Adding a project in the Drive.

First open the Project bar

Use the "More" dropdown to chose "Add New Project"

The window that opens will allow you to setup the project. 

The name, color and description are all user choice fields. 

The options are as below:

Managed by Organization Administrators - This will set any user set as an Admin (at the time of creation of the project) to automatically have admin rights over the project. 

Set Owner As Project Manager - This setting will set the user creating the project as a manager of the project. This more likely than not will be set. Unsetting this will make the user creating the project a normal user within the project. This is typically done in an org where the user setting up a project is not going to be a user of the project (an administration function rather than an administrator role)

Adding a project in the web

Open the web interface, and click on the  "+" button next to the top left 

The window that opens, like in the Drive, you can set the name, color and description. 

The major difference is that in the web, you do not get the ability to automatically set Administrators as managers.