How do you work with files stored on the Kenesto Drive when you have an unexpected interruption to your internet connection?

Working with vaulted folders and checked out files is prefferable, and was described in the previous section. 

When you are offline without preparing in advance, Files that are already cached will appear as normal.   Files that are not cached will appear with a black X in the bottom left of the icon. See the example below.

If you are working with unvaulted folders, the lock on any of the files you had open at the time your internet service was disrupted will be released within a few minutes. 

You are free to edit any cached files in offline mode, but please understand that when you reconnect to the internet, your edited files will be pushed to the cloud.  If your colleagues have made edits in the interim, you will need to decide with them which version of the file should be the current version going forward.  Once all the versions have been pushed to the cloud, RMB on Versions tab,

•Finally then select the desired version to be the current version. You may need to incorporate changes made by others while you were offline.